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I strongly suggest you read them and if you have any questions, please let me know. For those of you who have never played, there are some difficult questions. There are some dangerous questions. You can rewarded for bravery in this game, but there is also a very fine line between bravery and stupidity. Please read the last two questions very carefully.

Here are the films listed as wide this year...only these films count for top 15 and preseason.

This will be posted on the first page as well.

Here are all the films that qualify as wide releases for this summer.

Pain and Gain
The Big Wedding
Iron Man 3
The Great Gatsby
Tyler Perry's Peeples
Star Trek Into Darkness
Fast and Furious
Hangover III
After Earth
Now You See Me
The Internship
The Purge
Man of Steel
This is the End
Monster's University
The Heat
White House Down
Despicable Me 2
Pacific Rim
The Lone Ranger
Grown Ups 2
The Conjuring
Red 2
The Wolverine
2 Guns
300 Rise of an Empire
The Smurfs 2
Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters
We're the Millers
Kick Ass 2
To Do List

Here is the thread. This is the same piece that is on the first page.


WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL BAUMER'S SUMMER GAME 2013! This is the 6th Annual Summer Game:

There are some changes this year, so please pay attention....starting with the start date of the game.


Hello fellow BOF'ers. Welcome the SIXTH annual BAUMER'S SUMMER GAME. Last year we had more than 70 players register and about 55 consistent players in the games. The second year we had about 70 and the first year there was about 35.

This is a four month game that begins this year on FRIDAY APRIL 26TH with the release of PAIN AND GAIN and culminates on Monday September the 2ND. This means the last weekend of the game will be Labour Day weekend and the grosses will count up to and including Monday the 2NDd.


This year we will be predicting the top 15 films of the summer. These predictions are due by FRIDAY APRIL 26TH at midnight Box Office Time. You will post your predictions in this thread. There are no pm's. Everyone'S predictions are here for everyone to see. Nothing to hide. What this means is that if you are influenced by others and you want to copy what they think, that is up to you. But this game is won or lost over many different elements. Every element is important. If you target one player and copy their top 15 and they have a few bad calls, you will do the same. My advice to everyone is to be yourself. You have a month to analyze the films coming out this summer. Use that month to read up on and study the films slated for release this summer. It's a lot of work, no doubt. But the fun of the game is your reward.

Another piece of advice i can give is to read Shawn's 2013 preview which I'm sure will be out sometime soon.

This year, I have decided that we will be doing a lot more to challenge your box office acumen. I think you will be pleased with some of the changes. I had a thread open where you could make suggestions for the game. I have taken heed of some of those suggestions. But first, onto what we already know.

The second and biggest part of the game is that every week I put up "bonus questions" that are worth 15,000 points every week. There will also be bonus points each week rewarded for several different accuracy measures. You will experience this as the game goes on. There are several weeks with bigger releases that the points available could total up to 50,000 points or more. I decide if the week will be worth 15,000 points, 50,000 points or anywhere in between.

There will also be SOTM (SPUR OF THE MOMENT QUESTIONS) asked every once in a while. These literally are spur of the moment questions. I don't have a set amount as to how many there will be, but they will be worth no more than 10,000 points each. Again, there will be some stipulations, and very few mind you, where some special ones may go as high as 15,000. To make this fair and transparent, I'll promise that this year, no more than FIVE SOTM QUESTIONS WILL BE WORTH 15,000. The rest will stay at 10,000. The SOTM questions can change the balance of the game, no doubt, but they are also a staple of this game and although they create some controversy, they will remain. The reason for this is that I like them.

A typical looking SOTM scoring scheme will look like this:

Tell me, will The Man of Steel have a second Friday of more than 15 mill?

10,000 if you get it right.
-5000 if you get it wrong.
2000 if you choose not to answer the question (abstain).

Here's how the game will work. AND PLEASE READ VERY VERY CAREFULLY. And if you have any questions, ask me because once the game starts, you must abide by STRICT deadlines. If you miss a deadline on any question, you absolutely, unequivocally will not qualify for that question. So if i ask that a SOTM question be answered by 4pm on July 6th, and your answer is submitted or edited after that time, you will be disqualified from that question. I will rule on this without passion or prejudice. IT WILL BE STRICT. I hope everyone understands this. To be even more clear, THIS YEAR, I WILL FOLLOW THE DEADLINES TO A FAULT. I FEEL THAT THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO BE ABSOLUTELY FAIR WITH EVERYONE. CONSIDER THE DEADLINE TO BE JUST LIKE A TIMER ON A COMPUTER. WHEN IT RUNS OUT, YOUR TIME RUNS OUT.....JUST LIKE THE DERBY BACK IN THE DAY. I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH GUYS. THIS YEAR, IT WILL BE STRICT.

To qualify for the prizes, you have to be in this game from the beginning. You must have your predictions in before Friday April 26th at midnight Box Office Time.
If you are in a different time zone, it is your responsibility to figure out the conversion.

NOW PAY ATTENTION HERE: Here is the game structure and all that is involved. For those of you who have played before, you will notice some significant changes. As I mentioned, I am taking some of your suggestions and incorporating it into the game.

This year, you have to predict the top 15 films of the summer instead of the top 12. That means you have to tell me, in order, what the top 15 films, by gross, will be for the summer.

For example, if you think Grown Ups 2 will finish 1st with 450 million dollars, you would put that 1st. If you think The Heat finishes 2nd with 400 mill you put that and so on.

Here is an example of what your top 12 would have to look like:

1) White House Down: 485 mill
2) Monster's University: 420 mill
3) Despicablew Me 2: 215 mill
4) The Lone Ranger: 199.9 mill
5) Iron Man 3: 185 mill
6) Pacific Rim: 165 mill
7) The Heat: 164 mill
8) Red 2: 160 mill
9) Grown Ups 2: 137
10) Turbo: 125
11) Man of Steel: 125
12) RIPD: 115
13) Wolverine: 114
14) The Conjuring: 110
15) Blue Jasmine 95

This is just a sample of what you need to do. Tell me, in order with the gross, what films will finish top 15 for the summer.

POINT SYSTEM: The point system will be very similar to last year, but with a few changes. You will rewarded even more for accuracy. This is something you asked for. I listened.

For every film you call correctly in the top 15, in any order, you will get 15,000 points. For every film you call in the exact spot, you will get 25,000 points (total). So you must think this out thoroughly. You will also lose 10,000 points for every film in the top 15 that you call incorrectly. So, for example, if say Pain and Gain will be in the top 15, and it misses the top 15, you will lose 10,000 points (PLUS whatever you miss the gross by).

And one more caveat to this is the double whammy rule. If you call a film to hit the top 15 and it misses, you will lose points for missing the top 15 and you will lose points if the gross misses by more than the 40 million allotted to you. If however you call a film incorrectly in the top 15 but you are within the 40 million, YOU WILL NOT GET CREDIT FOR THOSE POINTS. This is a rule that was finally enforced last year and it will stay going forward.
Back to the scoring.

If you are able to call the top three positions right, in order, regardless of the gross, you will get a 75,000 point bonus.

If you are able to call the top four positions right, in order, regardless of the gross, you will get a 100,000 point bonus.

If you can call the top five positions right, in order, regardless of gross, you will get a 250,000 point bonus.

If you are a genius and can call 10 right, in order, regardless of gross, you will get a 750,000 point bonus and basically win the game.

If you can call 12 right in order, you get a million bonus points. This is impossible so don't worry.

As a side note, in the Five previous years in this game, no one has called the top five correct yet.


Call SPOTS 3-5 correct, regardless of order, and receive a 150,000 point bonus.

Call 6-7 correct, regardless of order and get a 200,000 point bonus

Call 8-11 of the 15 films correctly, regardless of the order, and receive a 250,000 point bonus.

Call 12 of the top 15 correct, regardless of order, receive a 300,000 point bonus.

If you can call 13-14 films correct, regardless of the order and you will receive a 400,000 point bonus.

Call all 15 correct, regardless of order, and you get a 750,000 point bonus.

This does not eliminate the bonus points originally mentioned, it will just add to them.

Keep in mind, this game was born from calling the summer films accurately. This is why there is such a premium put on your preseason predictions.

So even if you are not doing so well with the bonus points, a huuuuuuge premium is put on calling the films in the right order, so do your research.

For the gross that you predict, for every film that you call within 20 mill, you will get 10,000 points. If you call it within 30 mill, you get 5000 bonus points. If you miss the films gross by 30.01-40 mill you will not lose any points. From 40.01 to 60 mill you lose 5000 points. For every 20 mill you miss after the first 60 mill, you will lose 1000 points per 20 mill. Even if you miss the gross by 61 mill, that extra 1 mill will cause you to lose a full 1000 points.

For even more of an accuracy bonus, if you can call any film within 5 million of the actual gross, you will receive a bonus of 20,000. If you can call the gross within 2 million, you get a bonus of 25,000.

Predicting the top 15 and their gross is very, very difficult, especially since you have to have this in before April 26th. ONCE YOUR PREDICTIONS ARE IN, YOU CANNOT CHANGE THEM AFTER April 26th. You can change them right up until I lock the thread.

By popular demand and because we have a huge contingent of international players, I'm going to have an international flavour to game also.

To add some flair, here is how it will work.

International Flair #1:

Tell me what the WW top 10 (changed it from 5 from last year....international numbers are now more important than ever) of the summer will be. The point structure will be as follows:

Every film you call in the top 10 correct, you get 10,000 points. If you call the top 3 spots in order, you get a bonus of 50,000. If you can call 5 in order you will get a 100,000 point bonus. If you can call between 6-8 in order, a bonus of 150,000 and between 9-10 will get you a bonus of 200,000.

Call the gross correct within 50 mill: 10,000 points
Call the gross within 50.1 mill to 75 mill 5000 pts
Call the gros within 75.1 to 100 mill 2500 pts.

Miss the WW gross by more than 150 mill and you lose 10,000 points. I am giving you a buffer this year of 75 mill. It was different last year.

If you call a film in the top 5 that doesn't appear in the top WW top 5, you will lose 10,000 points.

International Flair #2:

What five films will have the best weekends World Wide? I realize some films open day and date, and others do not. This is why it is now just best weekend.

For every film in the top 5 you call correctly, you get 25,000 points.
For every film you call incorrectly, you lose 10,000 points.
If you call 3 of the top 5 correctly, regardless of order, you get a 20,000 point bonus.
If you call all 5 correctly, regardless of order, you get a 75,000 point bonus


Tell me what films will finish with the 7 best opening weekends domestically. Opening weekends will include any films gross that starts at midnight on Thursday (so this can include a Thursday opening if applicable) and culminates with the Sunday gross. One caveat to this is that if a film changes it's release date, only the gross from Thursday to Sunday will count. So for example, if Iron Man 3 suddenly decides that it wants to open on a Wednesday, only the gross from Thursday to Sunday will count. There will be no exceptions to this.

Scoring for best opening weekends:

For every film you call correctly in the top seven, regardless of order, you will receive 10,000 points. For every film you call in the exact spot it opens, you will get 15,000 points. If you are able to call 5 of the 7 correctly, you will receive a 75,000 point bonus. Call all seven correctly, you get a 150,000 point bonus. For every film you call incorrectly in the top 7, you lose 7,000 points.

And finally, because it was suggested, I am going to have a 5 lowest grossing films of the summer bonus.

You pick the 5 lowest grossing films of the summer. You can only choose films that are listed on boxofficemojo as WIDE. So for a film to qualify for the bottom 5 grossing films of the summer, please make sure that it is listed as wide as of April 26th. Once that date has passed, I will then list all films here that are listed as wide.

Ok, I'm changing the lowest grossing films to any film released on or before August 16th.

For every film that makes the bottom 5 that you call correctly, you will receive 10,000.If you can call 3 of 5 right, you get a 50,000 bonus. If you call 4 or 5 right, you get a 100,000 point bonus. There are no deduction of points for wrong answers. This is 100% bonus for you.

I had a blast running this last year and it will be just as much fun this year. I hope all of you participate. The three winners last year were incredibly accurate and I expect nothing less this year.

This thread will be the thread where the summer game discussion will take place up until the opening of the game. After April 26th, I will lock this.. Once the game starts, there will be a whole new forum opened where we will post our weekly answers and so on. More on this later as the information becomes available.

One final thing:

I score this game by myself. There is no magic program to determine points, so sometimes points might not be done right on time. I work two jobs and am busy with life, so sometimes you will have to be patient with me while i score the game. I do have some help this year with excel programs and so on so it should be much more accurate. If you have a discrepancy with scoring please pm me, be nice and don't post it in the thread. Thanks.

PRIZES: ALL IN CANADIAN CURRENCY (the payout of cash or certificate will be your choice)


You have almost 5 weeks to do your research, post your top 15 and get ready for a lot of fun this summer!!




Tell me, of these five films, which one will be the lowest grossing of the summer. Only these five films can you choose from.

1) The Big Wedding
2) The Purge
3) We're The Millers
4) 300 Rise of an Empire
5) Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

FOR AN ADDITIONAL 10,000 Tell me, within 5 million dollars, what its gross will be. Anyone who calls this within 5 million dollars (note you MUST CALL THE CORRECT FILM TO QUALIFY FOR THE 5000 BONUS PTS) whether it is over or under the total, will get the 10,000 points.

Second Bonus Question:

Tell me which of these will be the highest grossing film of the summer:

1) Kick Ass 2
2) Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters
3) Two Guns

For 10,000 POSSIBLE bonus points, tell me, within 5 million dollars, what its gross will be. Anyone who calls this within 5 million dollars (note you MUST CALL THE CORRECT FILM TO QUALIFY FOR THE 10,000 BONUS PTS) whether it is over or under the total, will get the 10,000 points.

Third Bonus Question:

Tell me, of these five films, which will be the highest grossing INTERNAIONALLY (NOT WW, ONLY INTERNATIONALLY....ALL FIGURES ACCORDING TO BOXOFFICEMOJO.COM)?

1) World War Z
2) Pacific Rim
3) Smurfs 2
4) Star Trek 2
5) Fast and Furious

For 15,000 bonus points, call the correct film within 25 mill.



Here are your 16 bonus questions that have to be answered before the APRIL 26TH start date.

Question 1: Will more than 2 films gross at least 130 million dollars Opening weekend domestically (3 day weekends count only)
Answer it correctly: 15,000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 8000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 8000 points) 3000 points.

Question 2: Will more than two films gross at least 50 million dollars on opening day?

Answer it correctly: 15,000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 8000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 8000 points) 3000 points.

Question 3: Will any film this summer have a worldwide weekend of more than 250 million? (THIS WILL INCLUDE ANY 5 DAY WEEKENDS. WHATEVER IS REPORTED FOR THE ACTUALS ON MONDAY EVENING WILL BE THE NUMBER WE GO BY).

Answer it correctly: 15,000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 8000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 8000 points) 5000 points.

Question 4: Will any film make more than 31.5 million this summer in Australia?

Answer it correctly: 15000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 8000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 8000 points) 3000 points.

Question 5: Will any film make more than 45 million dollars this summer in the UK box office?

Answer it correctly: 15000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 8000 points) 5000 points.

Question 6: Will any film make more than 50 million in CHINA this summer?

Answer it correctly: 15000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 10,000 points) 3000 points.

Question 7: Will at least 2 films make more than 875 mill WW this summer?

Answer it correctly: 15000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 10,000 points) 3000 points.

Question 8: Will at least 3 films, listed as a comedy by Box Office Mojo, make more than 130 million dollars this summer?

Answer it correctly: 15000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 10,000 points) 3000 points.

Question 9: Will at least 2 animated film have a WW gross of more than 650 million dollars?

Answer it correctly: 15000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 10,000 points) 3000 points.

Question 10: Which combination of films will make more money domestically?

1) Iron Man 3, Percy Jackson, Blue Jasmine, The Conjuring
2) This is the End, Despicable Me 2, The Lone Ranger, Pain and Gain
3) Star Trek 2, Wolverine, Planes, Crystal Fairy, Red 2
4) Grown Ups 2, Heat, Pacific Rim, World War Z, Man of Steel

Answer it correctly: 15000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 5000 points) 3000 points.

Question 11: Will any film make more than 30 million in Russia this summer?

Answer it correctly: 15000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 10,000 points) 3000 points.

Question 12:

Will the top three films combined make more this summer than the next 5 films combined (domestic only)? So to avoid any confusion like we have last summer, the question reads like this.... top 3 spots add up to more than slots 4-8.

Answer it correctly: 15000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 10,000 points) 3000 points.

Question 13:

Will any of the top 7 grossing sequels domestically this summer have a second weekend drop of less than 44.5%?

Answer it correctly: 15000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 10,000 points) 3000 points.

Question 14:

Will Star Trek, Fast Five or Iron Man have a Saturday increase (this includes any money it made on Thursday for midnights/early shows)...so if it makes 50 mill on Friday, including 7 mill from Thursday, then it has to make more than than 50 mill on Saturday to count as a yes

Answer it correctly: 25,000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 15,000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 15,000 points) 5000 points.

Question 15:

Will Monster's University be the top grossing animated film this year in any of these three regions: (so even if it is in one of them, your answer is yes)

South Korea

Answer it correctly: 25,000 points
Answer it incorrectly: lose 15,000 points
Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 15,000 points) 5000 points.


There may be more preseason bonus questions added before the start of the game. It is doubtful, but I hold the right to add a question if it seems right.

Bonus Question of all Bonus Questions:

This is a four parter:

1) Will IM3 make at least 360 million domestically?
2) Will IM3 make more than 500 million internationally?
3) Will IM3 do at least 25 million for midnights (including Thurs)?
4)) Will IM3 make at least 880 million WW?

Scoring: All questions you answer correctly are worth 7000 points. You can go for as many as you like.

Here is the catch: Every answer you call incorrectly you lose 10,000 points.

There are no points for abstaining, with one caveat down below. ***

Even more bonus and more treachery:

If you go 4/4 you get a 28,000 point bonus. So this means you will get a total of 56,000 points for this question (7000X4 plus 28,000 point bonus)

However, if you go for all 4 you must get all four correct. If you get even one incorrect, you will lose 15,000 points. So what this means is, if you go for all four and even if you get 3/4 correct, not only will you NOT get the 11,000 but you will lose a full 15,000 points.

This question is worth a lot of points for those ballsy enough to go for all 4, but it will kick your ass if you get too cocky. PLEASE READ THIS ONE CAREFULLY AND UNDERSTAND IT FULLY. IF YOU DO NOT, THEN ASK ME. ONCE THE GAME STARTS, CLAIMING YOU DIDN'T READ IT RIGHT WILL NOT BE AN EXCUSE.


Remember, you don't have to answer any of them. Or you can answer as little as you want. It's totally up to you.

You can choose to go for as many or as little as you want.


If you choose to abstain from all 4, you will get 5000 for doing so.
You must tell me if you are abstaining.


This is a four part question. Again, you have choices.
Answer any part of the question. Each answer you get correct you will receive 7000 points. Each answer you get wrong, you will lose 7000 points. If you go for all four parts of the question, you must get all four parts correct. If you get even one wrong after going for it all, you will lose 7,000 points. You can go for all of it, none of it and some of it. Choice is yours.


A) Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com gross more than 150 million dollars this summer?
Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com open to more than 40 mill?
C) Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com have a second weekend drop of less than 47%?
D) Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com have an opening day of more than 18 mill?

Get any question right: 7000
Get any question wrong: -7000
Abstain from all four questions: 5000
Go for all four, and get all four correct not only will you get the 28,000, you get a bonus of 28,000. But you must go for all four to qualify for the bonus

Any questions please let me know.



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Top 15
1: Iron Man3 - 400M
2: Despicable Me - 375M
3: Man Of Steel - 300M
4: Monsters 2 – 280M
5: Star Trek 2 - 255M
6: FF6 – 250M
7: The Heat – 210M

8: Hangover – 185M
9: Pacific Rim – 175M
10: Wolverine – 150M
11: White House Down – 140M
12: After Earth - 125M

13: Epic – 121M
14: Smurfs 2 – 120M
15: Grown Ups - 119M

International Flair #1 (WW):
1: IM3 - 1050M
2: FF6- 875M

3: Man Of Steel - 650M
4: Monsters 2 - 600M

5: ST2 - 521M
6: Smurfs 2 - 520M
7: Hangover 3 - 510M
8: Despicable Me 2 - 500M
9: After Earth - 375M
10: Epic- 350M

International Flair #2 (BEST WW WEEKEND):
1: IM3
2: FF6
3: ST2
4: Smurfs 2
5: Monsters 2

Opening Weekend (3-day)DOMESTIC:
1: IM3
2: FF6
3: MOS
4: ST2
5: DM2
6: Monsters2
7: Hangover3

Lowest grossing films:


1. The Purge

2. The Big Wedding

3. The Conjuring

4. The To-Do List

5. We’re the Millers



Tell me, of these five films, which one will be the lowest grossing of the summer. Only these five films can you choose from.


Second Bonus Question:

Tell me which of these will be the highest grossing film of the summer:

3) Two Guns

For 10,000 POSSIBLE bonus points, tell me, within 5 million dollars, what its gross will be. Anyone who calls this within 5 million dollars (note you MUST CALL THE CORRECT FILM TO QUALIFY FOR THE 10,000 BONUS PTS) whether it is over or under the total, will get the 10,000 points.


Third Bonus Question:

Tell me, of these five films, which will be the highest grossing INTERNAIONALLY (NOT WW, ONLY INTERNATIONALLY....ALL FIGURES ACCORDING TO BOXOFFICEMOJO.COM)?

5) Fast and Furious

For 15,000 bonus points, call the correct film within 25 mill.




Question 1: Will more than 2 films gross at least 130 million dollars Opening weekend domestically (3 day weekends count only)


Question 2: Will more than two films gross at least 50 million dollars on opening day?

Answer it correctly: 15,000 points

Answer it incorrectly: lose 8000 points


Question 3: Will any film this summer have a worldwide weekend of more than 250 million? (THIS WILL INCLUDE ANY 5 DAY WEEKENDS. WHATEVER IS REPORTED FOR THE ACTUALS ON MONDAY EVENING WILL BE THE NUMBER WE GO BY).


Question 4: Will any film make more than 31.5 million this summer in Australia?


Question 5: Will any film make more than 45 million dollars this summer in the UK box office?


Question 6: Will any film make more than 50 million in CHINA this summer?


Question 7: Will at least 2 films make more than 875 mill WW this summer?


Question 8: Will at least 3 films, listed as a comedy by Box Office Mojo, make more than 130 million dollars this summer?


Question 9: Will at least 2 animated film have a WW gross of more than 650 million dollars?


Question 10: Which combination of films will make more money domestically?

4) Grown Ups 2, Heat, Pacific Rim, World War Z, Man of Steel

Question 11: Will any film make more than 30 million in Russia this summer?


Question 12:

Will the top three films combined make more this summer than the next 5 films combined (domestic only)? So to avoid any confusion like we have last summer, the question reads like this.... top 3 spots add up to more than slots 4-8.


Question 13:

Will any of the top 7 grossing sequels domestically this summer have a second weekend drop of less than 44.5%?


Question 14:

Will Star Trek, Fast Five or Iron Man have a Saturday increase (this includes any money it made on Thursday for midnights/early shows)...so if it makes 50 mill on Friday, including 7 mill from Thursday, then it has to make more than than 50 mill on Saturday to count as a yes


Question 15:

Will Monster's University be the top grossing animated film this year in any of these three regions: (so even if it is in one of them, your answer is yes)

South Korea


Bonus Question of all Bonus Questions:

This is a four parter:

1) Will IM3 make at least 360 million domestically? YES
2) Will IM3 make more than 500 million internationally? YES
3) Will IM3 do at least 25 million for midnights (including Thurs)? Abstain
4)) Will IM3 make at least 880 million WW? YES


This is a four part question. Again, you have choices.
Answer any part of the question. Each answer you get correct you will receive 7000 points. Each answer you get wrong, you will lose 7000 points. If you go for all four parts of the question, you must get all four parts correct. If you get even one wrong after going for it all, you will lose 7,000 points. You can go for all of it, none of it and some of it. Choice is yours.


A) Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com gross more than 150 million dollars this summer?
Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com open to more than 40 mill?
C) Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com have a second weekend drop of less than 47%?
D) Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com have an opening day of more than 18 mill?

Abstain from all four

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Top 15 DOM


1. Iron Man 3 - $400.8 million

2. Star Trek Into Darkness - $354 million

3. Monsters University - $302.9 million

4. Man of Steel - $277.1 million

5. Fast & Furious 6 - $240.5 million

6. Despicable Me 2 - $228.1 million

7. Pacific Rim - $202.7 million

8. The Hangover: Part III - $175.6 million

9. White House Down - $165.7 million

10. Turbo - $165.1 million

11. The Heat - $159.3 million

12. The Wolverine - $145.3 million

13. After Earth - $141.5 million

14. Epic - $138 million

15. The Lone Ranger - $127.6 million


International Flair #1 (WW)


1. Iron Man 3 - $972 million

2. Monsters University - $776 million

3. Despicable Me 2 - $719 million

4. Fast & Furious 6 - $718 million

5. Star Trek Into Darkness - $713 million

6. Man of Steel - $670 million

7. Pacific Rim - $572 million

8. The Hangover: Part III - $441 million

9. The Smurfs 2 - $415 million

10. Turbo - $410 million


International Flair #2 (WW Weekends)


1. Iron Man 3

2. Fast & Furious 6

3. Star Trek Into Darkness

4. Monsters University

5. Man of Steel


Opening Weekends DOM


1. Iron Man 3 - $153.9 million

2. Star Trek Into Darkness - $124 million

3. Man of Steel - $95.2 million

4. Monsters University - $91.7 million

5. Fast & Furious 6 - $91.6 million

6. The Hangover III - $66.8 million

7. Pacific Rim - $51.9 million



Lowest Grossing Films DOM

1. The To-Do List

2. The Purge

3. Planes

4. Paranoia

5. Kick-Ass 2


Tell me, of these five films, which one will be the lowest grossing of the summer. Only these five films can you choose from.

2) The Purge

FOR AN ADDITIONAL 10,000 Tell me, within 5 million dollars, what its gross will be. Anyone who calls this within 5 million dollars (note you MUST CALL THE CORRECT FILM TO QUALIFY FOR THE 5000 BONUS PTS) whether it is over or under the total, will get the 10,000 points. $23 million

Second Bonus Question:

Tell me which of these will be the highest grossing film of the summer:

3) Two Guns 

For 10,000 POSSIBLE bonus points, tell me, within 5 million dollars, what its gross will be. Anyone who calls this within 5 million dollars (note you MUST CALL THE CORRECT FILM TO QUALIFY FOR THE 10,000 BONUS PTS) whether it is over or under the total, will get the 10,000 points. $123 million

Third Bonus Question:

Tell me, of these five films, which will be the highest grossing INTERNAIONALLY (NOT WW, ONLY INTERNATIONALLY....ALL FIGURES ACCORDING TO BOXOFFICEMOJO.COM)?

5) Fast and Furious $478 million

For 15,000 bonus points, call the correct film within 25 mill.



Question 1: Will more than 2 films gross at least 130 million dollars Opening weekend domestically (3 day weekends count only) NO

Question 2: Will more than two films gross at least 50 million dollars on opening day? NO

Question 3: Will any film this summer have a worldwide weekend of more than 250 million? (THIS WILL INCLUDE ANY 5 DAY WEEKENDS. WHATEVER IS REPORTED FOR THE ACTUALS ON MONDAY EVENING WILL BE THE NUMBER WE GO BY). YES

Question 4: Will any film make more than 31.5 million this summer in Australia? YES

Question 5: Will any film make more than 45 million dollars this summer in the UK box office? YES

Question 6: Will any film make more than 50 million in CHINA this summer? YES

Question 7: Will at least 2 films make more than 875 mill WW this summer? NO

Question 8: Will at least 3 films, listed as a comedy by Box Office Mojo, make more than 130 million dollars this summer? NO

Question 9: Will at least 2 animated film have a WW gross of more than 650 million dollars? YES

Question 10: Which combination of films will make more money domestically? 4) Grown Ups 2, Heat, Pacific Rim, World War Z, Man of Steel

Question 11: Will any film make more than 30 million in Russia this summer? YES

Question 12: Will the top three films combined make more this summer than the next 5 films combined (domestic only)? So to avoid any confusion like we have last summer, the question reads like this.... top 3 spots add up to more than slots 4-8. NO

Question 13: Will any of the top 7 grossing sequels domestically this summer have a second weekend drop of less than 44.5%? NO

Question 14: Will Star Trek, Fast Five or Iron Man have a Saturday increase (this includes any money it made on Thursday for midnights/early shows)...so if it makes 50 mill on Friday, including 7 mill from Thursday, then it has to make more than than 50 mill on Saturday to count as a yes NO

Question 15:

Will Monster's University be the top grossing animated film this year in any of these three regions: (so even if it is in one of them, your answer is yes) YES

South Korea

Bonus Question of all Bonus Questions:

This is a four parter:

1) Will IM3 make at least 360 million domestically? YES
2) Will IM3 make more than 500 million internationally? YES
3) Will IM3 do at least 25 million for midnights (including Thurs)? YES
4)) Will IM3 make at least 880 million WW? YES



This is a four part question. Again, you have choices.
Answer any part of the question. Each answer you get correct you will receive 7000 points. Each answer you get wrong, you will lose 7000 points. If you go for all four parts of the question, you must get all four parts correct. If you get even one wrong after going for it all, you will lose 7,000 points. You can go for all of it, none of it and some of it. Choice is yours.


A) Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com gross more than 150 million dollars this summer? NO
Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com open to more than 40 mill? NO
C) Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com have a second weekend drop of less than 47%? YES
D) Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com have an opening day of more than 18 mill? NO

Edited by Jake Gittes
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Top 15 (as of September 2nd)
1: Iron Man 3 - 360
2: Star Trek into Darkness -330

3: Monsters University - 275

4: Man of Steel-270

5: Despicable Me 2-260

6: Fast and Furious 6-230
7: Hangover 3-200

8: Lone Ranger-180

9: Wolverine-160

10: Heat-140

11: Pacific Rim-130

12: World War Z-125

13: Smurfs 2-123

14: 2 Guns 120
15: White House Down-118

International Flair #1 (WW):
1:Iron Man 3-900M
2:Fast Six-750M
3:Monsters Universtiy-700M
4:Despicable Me 2-650M
5:Star Trek Into Darkness-625M
6:Man of Steel-525
7:Hangover 3-500
9:Pacific Rim-450
10:Lone Ranger-400

International Flair #2 (BEST WW WEEKEND)no gross required:
1:Ironman 3
2:Fast and Furious 6
3:Star Trek Into Darkness
4:Monsters University
5:Man of Steel

Opening Weekend (3-day)DOMESTIC
1: Iron Man 3 - 150
2: Star Trek Into Darkness - 125
3: Man of Steel-90
4: Monsters University-88
5: Fast and Furious Six-85
6: Despicable Me 2-75

7: Wolverine-60

Lowest grossing films (no gross required)
1: The To-Do List
2: Were the Millers
3: Planes

4: Internship

5: Purge

Bonus Questions

1.Were the Millers-5.5

2.Two Guns-120

3.Fast and Furious 6-440

Triple Bonus










10.combination 4









Edited by Michael G Scott
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Top 15

1: Iron Man 3 - 433M
2: Star Trek Into Darkness - 375M
3: Monsters University - 322M
4:  Man of Steel - 312M

5: Despicable Me 2 - 291M
6: Fast & Furious 6 - 276M
7:  Pacific Rim - 260M
8: The Hangover Part III - 205M

9: The Wolverine - 185M

10: White House Down - 183M

11: The Lone Ranger - 164M

12: Epic - 158M
13: After Earth - 145M

14: The Internship - 135M

15: The Great Gatsby - 131M


International Flair #1 (WW):

1: Iron Man 3: 1.056B

2: Pacific Rim: 920M

3: Monsters University: 830M

4: Star Trek Into Darkness: 815M

5: Fat & Furious 6: 801M

6: Man of Steel: 801M

7: Despicable Me 2 - 768M

8:  White House Down: 598M

9: The Hangover Part III - 560M

10: After Earth: 470M


International Flair #2 (WW OW): No gross required

1: Iron Man 3

2: Fast & Furious 6

3: Man of Steel

4: Monsters University

5: Pacific Rim


Opening Weekend (3-day)

1: Iron Man 3 - 170M

2: Star Trek into Darkness - 133M

3: Fast & Furious 6 - 113M

4: Man of Steel - 109M

5: Monsters University - 93M

6: Pacific Rim - 87M

7: The Wolverine - 83M


Lowest grossing No gross required (Before August 16)

1: The Big Wedding

2: Peeples

3: The Purge

4: The Conjuring

5: The To-Do List



1: The Purge (29M)

2: 2 Guns (147M)

3: Fast and Furious 6 (440M)



1: Yes

2: Yes

3: Yes

4: Yes

5: Yes

6: Yes

7: No

8: Yes

9: No

10: Iron Man 3, Percy Jackson, Blue Jasmine, The Conjuring

11: Yes

12: Yes

13: Yes

14: No

15: Yes


Bonus Question of all Bonus Questions

1) Yes
2) Yes
3) No
4) Yes


New Question

A) No
B) No
C) Yes
D) No

Edited by Neo
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I want to be part of the epicness so reserved.  :D


Top 15
1:Iron Man 3: 415M

2:Monsters University: 375M

3:Star Trek Into the Darkness: 330M

4:Man of Steel: 325M

5:Despicable Me 2: 290M

6:Fast and Furious 6: 250M

7:The Hangover 3: 200M

8:Pacific Rim: 175M

9:Lone Ranger: 160M

10:Wolverine: 150M

11:After Earth: 135M

12:World War Z: 130M

13:The Internship: 125M

14:White House Down: 115M

15:The Heat: 110M


International Flair #1 (WW):
1: Iron Man 3 - 1.01B 

2: Monsters University - 940M

3: Fast and the Furious 6 - 900M

4: Despicable Me 2 - 800M

5: Man of Steel - 725M
6: Star Trek: Into the Darkness - 720M
7: Smurfs 2 - 650M

8: Pacific Rim - 625M 

9: Hangover 3 - 525M

10: After Earth - 500M

International Flair #2 (BEST WW WEEKEND)no gross required:
1: Iron Man 3
2: Fast and the Furious 6
3: Monsters University
4: Hangover 3
5: Man of Steel

Opening Weekend (3-day)DOMESTIC
1: Iron Man 3 - 165M
Star Trek: Into the Darkness - 130M

3: Man of Steel - 125M

4: Monsters University - 105M
5: Fast and Furious 6 - 90M
6: Despicable Me 2 - 80M
7: Hangover 3 - 70M

Lowest grossing films (no gross required)
1: The Purge
2: The Big wedding  
3: The to-do list
4: We're the Millers
5: The Spectacular now


1: The Purge - 15M

2: Two Guns - 100M
3: Fast and Furious 6- 500M


Triple Bonus
1: Yes
2: No
3: Yes
4: Yes
5: Yes
6: Yes
7: Yes
8: No
9: Yes
10: 4

11: Yes 

12: No

13: No

14: No

15: Yes

16: Yes, Yes, No, Yes

17: No, No, abstain, No

Edited by druv10
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Is the season 7 going to be in 3D? Reserved.


Top 15

1. Iron Man 3 415m

2. Despicable Me 2 315m

3.  Star Trek: Into Darkness 290m

4.  Man of Steel  275m

5. Monster University 270m

6. Fast and Furious 245m

​7. Pacific Rim 195m 

8. Smurfs 2 180m

9.  White House Down 170m

10. The Wolverine 165m

11.  The Hangover 3 150m

12. World War Z 127m

13.  This is the End  120m

14.  Grown Ups 2 115m 

15. Elysium 105m 




Top 10 Worldwide

1. Iron Man 3 1.00B

2. Despicable Me 800m 

3. Fast and Furious 6 790m 

4. Monster University 750m

5. Smurfs 2 700m  

6. Star Trek 570m 

7. The Hangover 3 530m 

8. Man of Steel 500m 

9. After Earth 475m

10. World War Z 450m


International Flair #2 (BEST WW WEEKEND)no gross required:
1:Ironman 3
2:Fast and Furious 6
Despicable Me
4:Monsters University
5: The Hangover 3


Opening Weekend (3-day)DOMESTIC
1: Iron Man 3 170m
2:  Star Trek 2 93m

3. Man of Steel 85m
4: Fast and Furious 86m
5: The Hangover 3 72m

6:  The Wolverine 70m
7: Monster University 64m

Bonus questions

1. We're The Millers

2. 2 Guns 

3. Fast and Furious


Triple Bonus  

1: No

2: No

3.  Yes

4. Yes

5. Yes

6. Yes

7. No

8. No

9. Yes

10. Group 4

11. Yes

12.Yes the top 3 spots will

13. No




Bonus Question of all Bonus Questions:

This is a four parter:

1) Will IM3 make at least 360 million domestically? Yes
2) Will IM3 make more than 500 million internationally? Yes
3) Will IM3 do at least 25 million for midnights (including Thurs)? Yes
4)) Will IM3 make at least 880 million WW Yes

Edited by Dexter of Suburbia
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Sounds awesome.  Thought I still think the bonuses for getting the position right are a bit high.

I understand how you feel. But to stay true to myself, because this game started by the "put up or shut up" kind of scenario, the top 15 will always be worth the most. Accuracy counts for everything in this game.
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International Flair #2:What five films will have the best weekends World Wide? I realize some films open day and date, and others do not. This is why it is now just best weekend.For every film in the top 5 you call correctly, you get 25,000 points.For every film you call incorrectly, you lose 10,000 points.If you call 3 of the top 5 correctly, regardless of order, you get a 20,000 point bonus.If you call all 5 correctly, regardless of order, you get a 75,000 point bonus

_______________________________________________________________________________________And finally, because it was suggested, I am going to have a 5 lowest grossing films of the summer bonus.You pick the 5 lowest grossing films of the summer. You can only choose films that are listed on boxofficemojo as WIDE. So for a film to qualify for the bottom 5 grossing films of the summer, please make sure that it is listed as wide as of April 26th. Once that date has passed, I will then list all films here that are listed as wide.For every film that makes the bottom 5 that you call correctly, you will receive 10,000. For every film you call incorrectly, you will lose 5,000. If you can call 3 of 5 right, you get a 50,000 bonus. If you call 4 or 5 right, you get a 100,000 point bonus. There are no deduction of points for wrong answers. This is 100% bonus for you. 

The way you worded both of those, does it mean the gross is not needed? Also, do we need to present a ranked top 5 in both instances or just name five films in any order?

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Iron Man 3- 389

Man of Steel- 310

Star Trek: Into Darkness- 290

Monster's University-289

Despicable Me 2- 287

The Hangover 3- 225

Fast and Furious 6- 205

Pacific Rim- 195

Smurfs 2- 165

The Wolverine- 158

The Heat- 147

White House Down- 130

The Great Gatsby- 110

This is the End- 100

The Conjuring- 95



Iron Man 3- 910

Monsters University- 780

Despicable Me- 720

Star Trek- 680

Man of Steel- 600

Hangover 3- 550

Pacific Rim- 520

Wolverine- 465

Smurfs 2- 410

The Lone Ranger- 380



Iron Man 3

Star Trek

Monsters University

Despicable Me

The Hangover 3



Iron Man 3- 153

Star Trek- 120

Man of Steel- 90

Monsters University- 84

The Hangover 3- 76

Fast and Furious 6- 75 

Despicable Me 2- 70



We're the Millers

The Big Wedding

The Purge

The to-do list

The Spectacular Now



1. The Purge

2. Kick Ass 2

3. Star Trek 2



1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Yes

4. Yes

5. Abstain

6. Abstain

7. Abstain

8. No

9. Abstain

10. 4) Grown Ups 2, Heat. Pacific Rim, WWZ, MOS

11. No

12. No

13. Yes

14. Abstain

15. Yes



1. Yes

2. Abstain

3. Yes

4. Abstain


17. Abstain from all

Edited by acsc1312
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International flair #2: Are grosses needed?

Thursday opening if applicable, what does this mean? Still 3 day or is it 31/4 days?

Will be be a give a grace period if a movie changes to a Wednesday opening after the deadline?

What kind of points are there for calling the 15 in the right order?

For WW OW (best weekend): Say DOM IM3 opens to 150M DOM and OS wknd is 90M (2nd wknd) is that 240M or do we take away from the 90M the previous weekend openers?

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Top 15

1: Iron Man 3 - 401M

2: Star Trek Into Darkness - 332M

3: Monsters University - 321M

4: Despicable Me 2 - 318M

5: Man Of Steel - 302M

6: Fast and Furious 6 - 221M

7: The Hangover 3 - 186M

8: The Smurfs 2 - 170M

9: The Wolverine - 162M

10: The Lone Ranger - 136M

11: White House Down - 132M

12: The Heat - 121M

13: Grown Ups 2 - 119M

14: Pacific Rim - 116M

15: World War Z 98M

International Flair #1 (WW):

1: Iron Man 3 - 969M

2: Monsters University - 795M

3: Fast and Furious 6 - 780M

4: Despicable Me 2 - 765M

5: Star Trek Into Darkness - 752M

6: Man Of Steel - 705M

7: The Hangover III - 635M

8: The Smurfs 2 - 605M

9: Pacific Rim - 502M

10: The Lone Ranger 495M

International Flair #2 (WW OW):

1: Iron Man 3

2: Fast and Furious 6

3: Despicable Me 2

4: Star Trek 2

5: Man Of Steel

Opening Weekend (3-day)

1: Iron Man 3 - 158M

2: Star Trek Into Darkness - 116M

3: Man Of Steel - 101M

4: Fast and Furious 6 - 89M

5: Monsters University - 69M

6: The Hangover III - 68M

7: Despicable Me 2 -63M

Lowest grossing

1: We're The Millers

2: The To-Do List

3: The Big Wedding

4: The Purge

5: The Internship


1: We're The Millers - 16.2M

2: Kick Ass 2 - 63M

3: Fast and Furious - 460M


1: No

2: No

3: Yes

4: Yes

5: Yes

6: Yes

7: No

8: No

9: Yes

10: ( 4 )

11: Yes

12: No

13: No

14: No

15: Yes

Bonus Question of all Bonus Questions

1) Yes

2) Yes

3) Abstain

4) Yes

New Question


A) No

B ) No

C) Abstain

D) No

Edited by iTz ED
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Hey Baumer what about the board time difference for the members? I mean it says it's 12:15 am right now, but in my time zone it's actually 1:15, is there a specific time we will be going for? I know daylight savings time has been an issue in the past.

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As mentioned guys, when I have some more time today, I'll fix it all, answer your questions, and get the preseason questions up.

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